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Ready to Volunteer?

Pick your passion! We have many different volunteer opportunities available, and there is something for everyone! Have an idea, but don't see a platform for it? Contact our Volunteer Coordinator at to see if we can work together.

Please remember that we depend on our volunteers, so if you make a commitment, we ask that you make every effort to keep it. We understand that life gets in the way, so if something comes up that prevents you from keeping your commitment, we just ask that you give the project coordinator as much advance notice as possible.

Thank you for volunteering with the Tampa Audubon Society!

Board of Directors


Are you committed to sharing your time and talents to help make the world a better place? Do you have specialized skills and expertise that could benefit our board’s work? Are you willing to be an enthusiastic advocate for an organization and encourage others to get involved? THEN WE WANT YOU!

The Board of Directors meets once a month for 2 hrs. Directors are frequently called upon to lead field trips, attend fundraising or education outreach events, and chair committees.



Spring and Summer

Volunteers are needed each year on the Flatwoods Bluebird Trail in October or November to prepare the trail for the new nesting season which begins in March. This includes repairing nesting boxes and predator guards, and relocating unoccupied boxes to new locations where nesting might be more successful. For more information, click the blue button below.


Lettuce Lake

Resource Center


Donate just four hours a month to be a spokesperson for nature at Lettuce Lake Conservation Park's Audubon Resource Center. You'll represent Tampa Audubon, greet park visitors and answer their questions. A friendly disposition is required; knowledge of birds, animals, plants and trees is a plus! Orientation and training are provided. The Center's building is wheelchair accessible and air-conditioned, featuring nature exhibits, restrooms, and water fountains. Time commitment: Four-hour shift once a month (or more!) on a weekend afternoon and/or holidays.


Hooked Birds

December through March

Fishermen abound in the Bay area, and where there's fishermen, there's fishing line and hooks. Unfortunately, waterbirds get tangled up or hooked and can get severely injured or die.


If you like hanging out at fishing piers, talking to fishermen, or paddling around the piers? Volunteers are needed daily to interact with and educate local fishermen, maintain carcass chutes and filament line recycling tubes, check the Sunshine Skyway and other local fishing sites for entangled or hooked birds and notify local rescuers. For more information, contact Ann Paul. 


Beach Birds

March through August

Bird stewards are needed to monitor rooftop nests and educate the public about beach‐nesting shorebirds and seabirds from Clearwater Beach all the way south to Fort DeSoto Park. Stewards will especially be needed during weekends and busy holidays to assist in monitoring colonies. Colony protection efforts are organized in cooperation with Audubon Florida and local Audubon chapters. For more information, contact Holley Short of Audubon Florida.


Christmas Bird Count

December/early January

Surveys are completed in numerous locations in the Bay area and elsewhere to assess current bird populations.  All levels of birding skills are needed for spotting and counting. For more information, contact Mary Keith anytime in the month of November or December, or contact one of the regional coordinators listed below:


Colony Watch

October 1 - April 30

Survey colonies of nesting wading birds,  check numbers and monitor the welfare of the colonies. Responsible for surveys twice a month with a short one-page report each time. For more information, contact our chapter's Colony Watch coordinator or Mark Rachal


Eagle Watch

October 1 - April 30

Volunteers monitor eagle nest twice a month for 20 minutes and submit short reports.  For more information, contact Shawnlei Breeding, Audubon's EagleWatch Project Manager.    


Jay Watch

October 1 - April 30

Conduct surveys at various location around 8 counties.  Training sessions occur in April or May. Contact Florida Audubon's Jacqui Sulek in March to get a list of training dates and locations as well as choose which counts to conduct in June/July. 


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