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President's Message March 2025

Ann Paul, President, Tampa Audubon Societ
Ann Paul, President, Tampa Audubon Societ

Every day is a gift. Every day we decide how we will spend our time. Geoffrey Chaucer apparently wrote “Time and tide wait for no man” in The Canterbury Tales around 1395. Speaking of time, that was a long time ago, but the words ring true today!


Personally, I would add that time and tide wait for no woman, either!


But my point is, our time is the most precious of all our possessions, and how we spend it is our most important decision.


Each day may seem like another, but once each day is over, we won’t have that day again. Each day we get up, talk to people, go about our daily lives, our work, and then the day passes. And so our lives spool out for years, decades and lifetimes.


So when we decide to share our time and energies with a conservation organization, or another group, or friends and family, we are giving our most significant gift – literally our lives. And that means so much.


And it’s why I want to say “Thank you” to you who give of your time, your energy, your expertise, and your caring to the Tampa Audubon Society.


I think TAS is a worthy recipient of that generosity because I believe sincerely that our small organization works to shift the direction of the world for the better. Our goals of protecting wild spaces and habitats and the wildlife that live there benefits us directly and indirectly – cleaner air and water for our future health, places for the solace of our hearts, sharing the planet with life forms that have a right to survive. It is all important to me, and I think, important to you.


Every day that you share that gift of yourself and your time with is not just an “everyday.” It’s a very Special Day. Thank you for the gift of your time.

Ann Paul


Tampa Audubon Society






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