Feb. 22: Lake Apopka
Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive
Contact trip leader Jim Smith at jim.smith@tampaaudubon.org to join.
Join us for this eleven mile one-way drive through the restored wetlands along Lake Apopka’s North Shore. We will caravan and will make numerous stops along the way to observe the many birds and other wildlife that use this area. With a speed limit of 10 mph, you can expect the trip to last between three and four hours. There are portable toilets located near the half-way point, but no other facilities.
During winter months, more than 150 species of birds regularly use this property. There is always the potential for a rare bird sighting here. We can expect to see most of the long-legged waders, many different birds of prey, ducks, warblers and flycatchers. This property is considered one of the top three birding areas in the State of Florida.
We’ll meet at 8:30 am at the Wildlife Drive entrance at 2850 Lust Road Apopka, FL 32703. Drive time from Tampa is approximately two hours via I-4 and SR-429 (toll). For those wishing to avoid an early morning drive a variety of lodging is available in nearby Mt. Dora which is about 30 minutes away.
Important! Pre-registration is required and participation is limited. Please do not attend this or any Tampa Audubon Society events if you have flu, cold, or covid symptoms. Tampa Audubon is committed to reducing the spread of illnesses. The health and safety of our members is of the highest priority.